How we think
26 days ago
Detecting attacks on Google Cloud
Years ago, one could set up a server and have it exist more or less anonymously for as long as desired, but that has long ceased to be the case. Now, you turn on a machine on the Internet, and within minutes, as if it were a zombie movie, the enemy is already trying to break down the door. Let's explore what options we have and introduce a way to detect some of these attacks with our own open-source Terraform module.
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a month ago
Why use a framework like Symfony (updated Feb 2025)
Today we are going to talk about an important topic in the world of programming and web development: the importance of using a framework, specifically Symfony in our case, but there are thousands for each language.
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a year ago
Cost reduction in Google Cloud
We wrote this for Google Cloud, but it really applies to AWS or Azure as well, since they all have very similar services for what we want to do, but we are going to focus on Google Cloud, which is what we use on a daily basis. If you manage a certain infrastructure, have developments for multiple clients with test projects, pre-production machines, deployment with artifacts, etc., in the end the infrastructure bill goes up and can become a problem.
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a year ago
Managing Workflows in Symfony
There are a multitude of situations in the development of software projects in which it is necessary to manage a workflow, a process, a series of states through which a certain entity may pass.
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a year ago
Functional tests with Cypress
Cypress allows you to run tests in real time, which means that you can see how your tests are running in a web browser in real time. This is very useful during the development phase of testing, as you can see exactly what it is doing.
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a year ago
How much does AI cost
I have asked DALL-E to generate a self-portrait of an AI, for this post, and the result is the image that heads the article... a bit weird, to be honest, a mix of thinker and mannequin, but that's what it has generated without much “prompts engineering”, as they call it nowadays. It's the only thing I've asked an AI to do for this article, on the other hand.
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a year ago
Symfony at full speed with ESI
Since we started creating our own components and packages (bundles in Symfony) to incorporate content management tools in our developments, one of our obsessions has been performance. The loading speed of the web is essential to offer a good user experience and to keep their attention.
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a year ago
What phases are involved in the development of an App?
When creating a web application, it is important to consider the different phases of the development process. From the initial planning to the final launch, each phase has its own importance and must be approached carefully.
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2 years ago
Microservices in Google Cloud
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2 years ago
What are Progressive Web Apps (PWA)?
You may have heard of PWA or Progressive Web Apps. Progressive is perhaps the strangest or most surprising, because the other, web apps, seems more intuitive, web applications. I will explain it a little later, for now, let's say that a PWA is an intermediate between the web and a native app on the mobile.
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